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PEIMS (Public Education Information Management System)

  • PEIMS is a data collection system developed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) (HB 72 of 1984) to provide a single system for collecting school district information and to maintain the information in one common coordinated database for accountability.
  • PEIMS is the primary method by which school districts in the state of Texas deliver data to TEA. School districts are required to submit data to TEA four times a year through PEIMS: fall, mid-year, summer, and extended-year.
  • Fall submission includes organization and campus data, shared services arrangements data, campus related data, current fiscal year budget data, staff data and student data such as identification/demographic information, enrollment information, special program information and leaver information for grades 7-12 (dropout, graduate) information.
  • Mid-year submission includes organization and campus data, shared services arrangements data and actual audited financial data for the previous fiscal year.
  • Summer submission includes organization and campus data, student data such as identification/demographic information, basic attendance data, program participation attendance data such as bilingual and career/technology, course completion for high school only and student discipline data.
  • Extended year submission includes organization and student data such as identification/demographic information, attendance information regarding extended year and PK and K participation in the summer bilingual program.
  • PEIMS uses a web-based application, PEIMS EDIT+ to validate data to determine fatal errors, special warnings and warnings, transfer files, generate reports and query the Dynamic PID. Since PEIMS EDIT+ is a web-based application, direct access to the PEIMS EDIT+ system and user documentation is through the Internet. PEIMS staff provides training sessions for district personnel in PEIMS reporting requirements and answers district questions throughout the year.