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Sandra Alanis
Falfurrias Elementary School
200 West Bennett
Falfurrias, Texas 78355

Melissa Carrasco
Falfurrias High School
100 Jersey Lane
Falfurrias, Texas 78355

Margo Martinez
Falfurrias Junior High School
602 South Center Road
Falfurrias, Texas 78355

Click here to view: District Library student Online Catalog

Our mission here at Brooks County ISD is to function as an integral part of the total educational program. Our libraries serve all students, faculty, administration and staff of BCISD.


  • to improve our libraries by meeting or exceeding state standards, which include staffing patterns, library collection ratio, use of technology, and up to date library collections.
  • to encourage each student to achieve his/her full potential by becoming literate life-long learners that will become active and involved citizens
  • to help students grow in techniques for acquiring information, knowledge and skills conducive to life-long learning through the use of research materials
  • to provide guidance in the appropriate use of the Internet in an academic setting
  • to provide a wide selection of leisure reading in an active and stimulating atmosphere for information users


  • BCISD libraries will systematically update the library collections annually to meet state standards in accordance with student ratio and campus quota
  • BCISD libraries will implement flexible scheduling to maxamize library accessibility to all students
  • BCISD will provide library personnel with specialized Professional Development and Training
  • BCISD will adhere to the library standards for recommended staffing and facilities at district and campus levels